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“Words of Peace & Truth” was launched in 1986 as a magazine for the edification and encouragement of Christians.  The intention has always been twofold: (1) to reproduce good, relevant ministry from the past, particularly from servants of the Lord who may have been to some extent overlooked; and (2) to circulate ministry given in the present day, often to small audiences, which would benefit a wider readership.

The endeavour has continuously been to cater for a variety of needs and stages of growth, not only providing help and comfort for present challenges and trials but also keeping the Christian's heavenly calling and the expected return of the Lord Jesus Christ before the hearts and minds of readers. Above all, the desire is to focus on the Person of Christ and the revelation of God's truth in Him.


Having normally been produced quarterly in earlier years, in view of the escalating cost of postage the magazine is now usually produced three times a year but with slightly more content in each number.


A more recent development is the production of books of ministry under the “Words of Peace & Truth” umbrella, and those are featured on the "Publications" page.


It is appreciated, however, that some people prefer to receive messages in audio form and to satisfy this demand a number of recorded gospel preachings and teaching sessions are offered on this website. The list appears on the "Recordings" page and is frequently updated.


Please pray that the Lord will bless this little endeavour to spread God's truth in a world that is increasingly hostile to it.

Editor: Geoffrey S. Bacon, 58 Byron Avenue, Coulsdon, Surrey, United Kingdom, CR5 2JR.
Telephone: 020-8660.2915
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